City of McAllen News

Winter Water Conservation Tips

by TCEQ and McAllen Health Dept | Jan 06, 2014


Winter Water Conservation Tips

  • Remember to weatherize your irrigation system: Remove the water from the system, shut it off for the season, and insulate its backflow preventer.
  • Winterize your pipes to prevent them from freezing, which can lead to pipes bursting and losing water. Water pipes in houses in southern climates (such as Texas) often are more vulnerable to winter cold spells. The pipes are more likely to be located in unprotected areas outside of the building insulation, and homeowners tend to be less aware of freezing problems, which may occur only once or twice a season.
  • Locate your water shut-off valve. If a water pipe bursts or leaks heavily, knowing the location of your shut-off valve and how to turn it off can save valuable time and prevent water damage and water loss.  
  • Insulate hot water pipes to reduce the amount of water that must be run in order to get hot water to the faucet.
  • To protect your pipes when you’re away, keep your thermostat at 55 degrees or higher. If you will be away from home for an extended period of time, have a friend or neighbor check on your house.
  • Check for leaks in pipes, faucets, and other likely places. These leaks can lead to thousands of gallons of water wasted each year.


From the City of McAllen’s Health Department


Leave your pets inside during cold weather or leave them in shelter with warm blankets


If you work outside or do activities, please cover your ears and fingers to avoid frost bite


Children and Elderly people should be cautious because they are vulnerable to cold weather


If you don’t have enough heat in your home, you can visit the Salvation Army in McAllen at 1600 N. 23rd Street or call for more information 956-682-1468 for shelter


If you have problems with your electricity call AEP

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