City of McAllen News


by Congressman Ruben Hinojosa | Mar 28, 2014

White House Extends March 31st Health Insurance Deadline for Applicants in Line Only

For additional information on how to enroll, visit or


Washington, D.C.- Today-Congressman Rubén Hinojosa (D-TX-15) would like to remind everyone that the open enrollment deadline for healthcare coverage under the Affordable Care Act is Monday, March 31st. Just this week, the White House extended the deadline to sign up for health insurance for consumers who are already in line on to enroll before the March 31st deadline. This means those who have begun the enrollment process before the March 31st deadline but have not been able to complete their application due to high volume or a technical issue, will still be able to complete it past the March 31st deadline. Those who begin their application, whether online, by phone, or in person before March 31st, will be able to receive health coverage.


Key Points to remember:


  1.  The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) made clear that consumers who are already in line when the deadline passes will get helped.


  2. Complex Cases Case work – HHS made clear that complex cases that could take more time will be worked through without a disadvantage to the consumer.


"In that past few months my office has assisted thousands of residents in determining if they are eligible to enroll in the ACA healthcare program", said U.S. Rep. Hinojosa. "If they were eligible, then certified navigators assisted them in the enrollment process. I encourage everyone to look for helpful government resources or call one of my offices if assistance is needed."


To apply, you may use one of the following methods:



•        Visit which is available 24/7.

By phone       

•        Call the Toll-Free Consumer Call Center at 1-800-318-2596 which is open 24/7.


In person

•        Go to and put in your zip code to find the Navigators and certified enrollment counselors in your area.  You may also go to any Community Health Center in your area to obtain assistance in applying for coverage.


By mail

•        You may download a paper application form along with the instructions from After receiving an eligibility notice, you may finish the application online or by contacting the call center.


Congressman Hinojosa added, "Please don’t wait until the last minute to enroll. Even if you don't have health insurance now and regardless of your previous health history, you should take advantage of this opportunity to get covered.  In our communities, where many people do not have insurance and getting sick can risk a family’s financial stability, this is truly important."



For additional information on how to enroll, visit or




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