Motorists using North 10th Street from Trenton to Highway 107 are urged to avoid the left turn lanes because work is underway on road medians in north McAllen. Drivers may only use the left turn lane at the following intersections:
- Freddy Gonzalez & 10th Street
- Northgate & 10th Street
- Wisconsin & 10th Street
- Trenton Crossing & 10th Street
The contractor for the Texas Department of Transportation has placed rebar (also known as reinforcing bar) ahead of schedule in the designated median to lay concrete. Work crews will be covering the rebar and placing a concrete curb in for medians. There have been reports that some cars have had tire blow outs crossing the construction area because motorists are utilizing the left lane turn.
The Texas Department of Transportation will be placing more signs at these designated left turn lanes reminding drivers where to cross. If you have any questions please call the city’s engineering department at 681-1151.