The Office of Communications and Media Relations | Oct 22, 2013

The Texas Department of State Health Services is on a mission to eliminate foodborne illness throughout the state. One big component of their strategy is the implementation of Food Manager Safety training which requires food managers involved in the food service industry to be trained in the proper process and procedures involved in safe food handling.
But in today's economy, few retail establishments can afford the luxury of onsite training and testing. That's where comes in. This online courseware, offered by Food Manager Classes for the City of McAllen, TX, food managers eliminates the need for physical classrooms, printed material, paid instructors, and clerical staff. It is self-contained, self-paced, available in English, and available 24/7. The curriculum covers all of the material required by the Texas Department of State Health Services and even allows the student to register for and take the test. Once the test is passed, the student can immediately print out their Food Manager Permit. Best of all, is accredited by the State of Texas, which means the permit is good anywhere in the state!
This online Food Manager Exam Certification,, is department-approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services, and is valid in all counties within the state. Our Certified Food Manager Certification Exam ensures that a candidate that successfully completes the examination and receives a certification, as identified by passing the exam, that they are capable of identifying the proper food safety measures, applicable regulations, and techniques to maintain a food safety in their surrounding environment. They will be able to recognize food safety concerns and implement appropriate corrective and preventative action, if and when necessary.
The Food Manager Classes certification course for the City of McAllen, Texas, food managers only costs $30 for the course exam only, or $65 for the training material only, or $90 for the full course and is designed for any food management employee who wants the best training in the least amount of time.