The City of McAllen Transit Department will host a groundbreaking ceremony Thursday May 29, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. to kick off the construction of its Downtown Park-n-Ride Facility located at 101 S. Bicentennial. The Downtown Park-n-Ride is designed to help alleviate congestion in McAllen’s Downtown as well as provide additional parking options for patrons of Downtown, whether it be for work, shopping or entertainment.
“We are excited to move into the construction phase of this project. This Park and Ride facility should truly make parking more convenient for those wishing to visit our Downtown, not to mention linking the facility to our Public Transit System which will provide additional transportation options for our citizens,” City of McAllen Acting Transit Director Mario Delgado said.
Last August, the City of McAllen was awarded a Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Capital Grant. Part of the funds awarded under this grant will be used to support the Park-n-Ride. The estimated cost of the facility is $232,000 of which the FTA grant will cover 80 percent.
The station will serve as a Park-n-Ride stop for two of Metro McAllen’s fixed routes, as well as for the Trolley Route that operates Downtown on Fridays and Saturdays from 8 p.m. – 3 a.m. allowing individuals to traverse to and from the Entertainment District free of charge.
The facility will have solar lit shelter amenities as well as bike racks and seating for the convenience of those wishing to use the facility. Additionally, this area has been identified as a future site for a Bike Share Station.
For more information contact the City of McAllen Transit Department at 956-681-3500 or via the website at