McALLEN – The award-winning McAllen Public Library is back in the spotlight. This time for being selected as only one of 12 in the country to attend the Family Place Libraries Training Institute in New York.
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission recently approved funding for 36 Texas public libraries to become Family Place Libraries. The aim of the project is to help public libraries address early learning priorities in their communities and ensure that all children enter school ready and able to learn.
“Family Place Library training will provide us with additional tools to expand our growing services to children and their parents and caregivers,” said Kate Horan, Library Director. “As one of only 12 libraries selected for this funded training, we are proud to represent the City of McAllen and provide leadership to other libraries in the Valley.”
Expanding the traditional role of children’s services, Family Place builds on the knowledge that good health, early learning, parental involvement and supportive communities play a critical role in young children’s development.
“Children’s Supervisor, Kristina Corral, and I will be learning about infant brain development and its correlation with pre-reading skills. McAllen Public Library is already acting as a bridge from birth to school with many programs for babies and toddlers,” Horan said. “This training will help us to accomplish our stated City goal to continue emergent literacy services to prepare birth to school age children for success in school.