The City of McAllen Health & Code Enforcement Department wants to warn residents of a fake website purporting to be the City of McAllen, charging for garage sale permits.
“The website is charging $10.00 for permits rather than the proper price of $20. The site also purports to allow individuals to obtain a whole year’s worth of permits. However, this is not our website and is not permitted,” said Steven Kotsatos, Director, Health & Code Enforcement Department for the City of McAllen. According to Kotsatos, this site comes up with a Google search.
Residents wanting to hold a garage sale can go to the City of McAllen Development Center, located at 311 N. 15th Street. to fill out an application, or, head to the official City of McAllen Development Center website at https://onlinepermits.mcallen.net/portal/, create an account and apply for a garage sale permit.
City of McAllen ordinance (McAllen Code 130-82, 70-10, and 130-81(3)) regarding garage sales in the City of McAllen states that residents are only allowed a limit of three garage sales permits in any calendar year. Permits may not exceed three consecutive days. (McAllen Code 86-92(b)). No Permit will be granted to the same location within 30 days of previous permit, and only used merchandise or personal property may be sold. (McAllen Code 86-92(b)). Signs are not allowed except for one sign on the property where the sale is being held.
For more information on garage sales permits, call 681-1900.
The fake website looks like this: