Keep McAllen Beautiful will be hosting its third annual Christmas Posada at Archer Park, located at 101 N. Main St. on Sat., Dec. 14, 2024, starting at 7:00 p.m. The free, family-friendly event will feature the traditional posada procession that reenacts Mary and Joseph’s search for lodging.
This year’s event promises to provide entertainment for everyone featuring a special performance by Nikki Rowe’s Razz Ma Tazz Show Choir. The posada procession culminates at a nativity scene, with shepherds and the Three Wise Men. The posada will be accompanied by traditional singing during the procession and will include Christmas songs performed by choirs from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints missionary choir, colibrí children’s choir, and the La Joya ISD Seguin Elementary choir and cheer team.
“Come and experience the joy of Christmas with the story of the baby Jesus’ birth and by singing along to festive Christmas carols,” said Chris Lash, Program Manager for Keep McAllen Beautiful.
The event is free and open to everyone in the community. Participants are encouraged to bring their picnic blanket or lawn chair. Attendees will get to enjoy beverages sponsored by Starbucks Coffee Store #9301. Two lucky attendees will be the winners of Christmas piñatas, which will be raffled off at the end of the evening.
Keep McAllen Beautiful is an educational, non-profit organization that develops and expands the awareness of McAllen’s citizens and visitors about littering and proper disposal of waste and promotes the preservation and enhancement of McAllen’s natural beauty and environment.
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