Parks and Recreation

New Parks and Metro/Transit Office

The City of McAllen celebrated the beginning of construction of two departments’ facilities on a 16-acre property: The Parks & Recreation Department New Administration Office & Maintenance Warehouse Facility and the Transit Department New Metro Transfer Station, Administration Office & Bus Maintenance Facility.

La Vista Park Revitalization

La Vista Park revitalization project was inaugurated on May 5, 2022. This project total revitalization investment was $285,206. The project included new picnic tables, trash receptacles, replaced picnic shelters, upgraded Rental Pavilion fencing, a piƱata pole, parking lot pavers, a parking lot seal coat, upgrades to the previous restroom, and renovations to the kitchenette.

Turf installation at Las Palmas Park

City of McAllen officials, community members and summer soccer program youth were on hand to celebrate the newly installed feature at Las Palmas Community Center. The City of McAllen Parks & Recreation Department recently completed installing 24,000 square feet of turf field, 640 feet of new perimeter fencing around the field and MUSCO lighting for the field. The total cost for the project was $466,678.