Neighborhood Grant Application

In January 2003 the City of McAllen established the Neighborhood Matching Grant Program. The purpose of the program is to provide an incentive for associations to undertake beautification projects. Those beautification projects will result in an improved quality of life for the neighborhood and City of McAllen residents. Projects can range from a simple neighborhood identification sign to major landscaping improvements along a subdivision boundary.
The Neighborhood Matching Grant Program helps groups fund improvement projects by providing a dollar-for-dollar match to locally raised funds with a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $5,000 per project. Each project must have long-standing benefits, must be located in public right-of-way and visible to all residents of McAllen.
Who can Apply?
Neighborhood or homeowner’s associations within the McAllen city limits are eligible to apply. Applicants must represent a specific geographic area of the community. Individuals, community development corporations, educational institutions, political, religious, and social service organizations are not eligible to apply. Parent-Teacher Association (PTAs) are eligible to apply as long as the project is located in city right-of-way.
Kinds of Projects Eligible for Grants
Listed below are some eligible projects. It is your responsibility to check on all requirements for your particular project. Please visit the city’s neighborhood planner for more information on the application process. Types of projects in which the City of McAllen may participate with funding include:
Irrigation systems for approved landscaping projects.
Landscaping in public right-of-way
Lighting of existing landscaping
Neighborhood fences
Improvements to City-owned parks
Community gardens
Neighborhood/subdivision identification signs
Benches, planters or decorative lights in public right-of-way
What is the first step to get these grants?
The first step is to get three (3) quotes from landscaping or construction companies. Once the three quotes are obtained then the application has to be filled-out based on the lowest quote obtained.
For landscaping projects do I need to hire a landscape architect?
The company that gives you the lowest quote must give you a landscaping plan that shows what they are doing where as far as plants is concerned. This helps the city verify the project was completed correctly.
For monument sign projects do I need construction plans?
Yes. Basic construction plans showing the dimensions, location and materials must be done first. The three (3) quotes are then pursued after the construction plans are completed in order to obtain comparable quotes.