Bond Projects: Roadway Improvements
Bicentennial Boulevard Extension (Trenton to 107)
Project designed by Halff Associates, Inc. TxDOT has approved the Final Environmental Assessment and has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). Right of way acquisition and utility accommodation coordination continues. The project was advertised and bid in the month of August. Bid Analysis and report is currently under review by TxDOT for concurrence.
Dove (41st to Bentsen)
Design, canal crossing permit and utility coordination tasks continue. City funded project for FY 18-19.
Kennedy (Ware to Bentsen)
Formerly Erie Road extension project. Project design by of City of McAllen Engineering Department. Development of construction plans and support documents are complete and project is currently advertising for bids.
Construction Estimate amount: $ 1,631,412.45
Bid Date: Advertising for bids
Submittal of Lowest bid:
Bid Amount:
Bid Working Days to complete 180 Working Days
29th Street (Oxford to 107)
Project design by Dannenbaum Engineering. Roadway design and ROW acquisition is complete. The project was awarded by City Commission on October 23, 2017 to 2GS, LLC. Notice to proceed with construction was issued on January 19, 2018.
Construction Company: 2GS LLC (DBA Earthworks)
Original Contract: $ 3,155,151.22
Change Order: CO#1-#7 Total- $562,543.52
Original Contract Days: 517 Working Days (Jan. 22, 2018 –April 2020)
Change Order (Days): 272 Days
Contract End Date: March 30, 2020
Construction Status: 1st lift of pavement has been placed along 29th Street between the limits of Mile 6 ½ Rd. and Sprague. This area of pavement is open to the public. The 2nd and final lift of asphalt will be done in the future with Phase I construction. Currently, a road closure is being implemented. Through this closure the contractor has finalized the drainage infrastructure installation is about projecting to have this portion of the road paved before October 2019. Phase III of roadway of construction will start shortly after. Contract completion date after CO#7 which was passed on 8/12/19 is now March 2020.

Auburn / Wisconsin Road (Main Street to 10th Street)
Project designed by Melden and Hunt as part of the Northpark Village Subdivision Development Agreement. Project was bid and awarded to O.G. Construction Company..
Construction Company: O. G. Construction Company, LLC
Construction Contract Amount: $ 290,000.00
Contract Days: 90 Working Days (NTP issued August 30, 2019)
Contract End Date: November 28, 2019
Construction Status: The Contractor was issued the notice to proceed August 30, roadway excavation, subgrade stabilization, curb and gutter complete, along with concrete sidewalks, flexible base complete with pavement surface pending.
On hold, pending ROW acquisition.