Alayn Arambula
| Dec 15, 2021

Uber and Lyft have grown in popularity over the past couple of years for their on-demand rideshare services. Users tend to choose Uber and Lyft because of their convenience. In most cities, you can hire a ride from your phone in just about any location.
Unfortunately, services like Uber and Lyft increase air pollution.
Find out more about how Uber and Lyft increase auto pollution from your McAllen transportation service.
The Amount of Driving Is Increased
App-based rideshare services like Uber and Lyft increase the amount of driving that is done in cities each day. In Seattle, roughly 90,000 rides are requested each day, which is more than the city’s light rail system carries.
On top of the rides that are being given, Uber and Lyft drivers often practice “deadheading.” The term “deadheading” is used by this industry to refer to drivers cruising around town without a passenger. Uber and Lyft policies actually encourage drivers to circle around town to reduce the wait time for users.
With all this extra driving, pollution is increased due to more fuel being burned. Unfortunately, all these extra Uber and Lyft drivers add to traffic congestion, which means more cars idling and pumping harmful pollution into the air.
Business Is Taken Away From Transit Areas
Transit-friendly areas are losing business around the country due to Uber and Lyft. Oftentimes, those with a higher income choose to use the app-based rideshare services instead of riding public transit.
Unfortunately, when business is taken away from transit systems, the environment suffers. Because public transportation can help to reduce air pollution, those who use it instead of their own car make a big difference in the environment. If business keeps going to Uber and Lyft, transit systems won’t be used as they should and more cars will be added to the road.
Biking and Walking Are Being Replaced
In many cities, those who would normally bike or walk have chosen to take Uber and Lyft instead. In 2020, a survey conducted in Boston showed that 12 percent of people would bike or walk if Uber and Lyft services weren’t available. An additional 5 percent would have avoided the trip altogether if services weren’t readily available.
Uber and Lyft services have created a dependency for app-based services instead of actively walking or biking. Those who choose to bike or walk have a positive impact on the environment because they decrease the use of pollution-causing vehicles (and also reap health benefits).
Decrease Auto Pollution When You Ride With Metro and Micro McAllen
Using on-demand rideshare services like Uber and Lyft can take valuable business away from public transportation services. Unfortunately, many people choose Uber and Lyft without being aware of the pollution it adds to the environment.
Public transportation can greatly decrease auto pollution and offers other social, financial, and health benefits. By simply changing to public transit instead of Uber and Lyft, you can help decrease the amount of pollution that other vehicles are pumping into the environment.
Try your McAllen public transportation out today when you ride with Metro and Micro McAllen. Get where you need to go in McAllen on a Metro McAllen bus or schedule your $1 rideshare with Micro today!
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